Tuesday, 29 January 2008

PSLE Assessment Book 2007

6 Excellence!

Please bring $6 tomorrow (Wed, 30th Jan) for the purchase of the above. This is for your English, Math and Science ($2 each) only.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

U3: Forms of Energy

Key Learning Points:
  • Everything needs energy. Living things need energy to survive. Non-living things need energy to work.

  • The Sun is the main source of energy.

  • Be able to give the sources, examples and uses of the various forms of energy.
Light Energy
  • Main source of light is from the Sun.

  • Light energy allows us to see things. We can see things because they reflect light to our eyes.

  • It also allows us to communicate / send information (e.g. traffic lights)

  • Shadows are formed when light is blocked.

Electrical Energy

  • Main source of electricity is from the power stations.

Heat Energy

  • Main source of heat is from the Sun.

  • Heat can be produced by rubbing any 2 surfaces together because of friction.

  • It is measured using a thermometer

  • Heat travels from a hotter place to a colder place.

  • Heating makes matter expands

  • Cooling makes matter contracts

Kinetic Energy

  • It is also known as movement (or motion) energy.

  • All moving objects have kinetic energy.

  • Greater speed and mass of an object means greater amount of kinetic energy

Potential Energy

  • This is stored energy and there are 2 types.

  • Chemical potential energy goes through changes or changed into other forms of energy when it is being used.

  • Gravitational potential energy is caused by the pull of gravity. The greater the height and mass of an object, the greater the amount of gravitational potential energy.

Sound Energy

  • This is an energy that can be heard.

  • It is very important as it enable us to communicate (e.g. talking).

U3: Solids and Nets

Key Learning Points:
  • Know the spellings of the various 3 dimensional solids.

  • A cube has 6 faces and each face is a square. Thus all sides are of the same length.

  • A cuboid has 6 rectangular faces. However, 2 of the sides can be squares.

  • A prism can have a minimum of 5 sides. The 2 ends (either top or bottom) have the same shape and are parallel to each other.

  • A pyramid can have a minimum of 4 sides. The base can be a triangle, square or rectangle. However the other faces on top must be triangles.

  • A cylinder is similar to a prism but has 3 sides. The 2 parallel ends are circular in shape. The 3rd side is cylindrical / rounded in shape.

  • Nets are figures that when folded, can form either one of the solids above.

  • Given a Net or Solid, count the number of sides. Make sure that both numbers tally before matching them together.

Friday, 25 January 2008

Homework / Tasks for T1W4

Tasks for this weekend of this T1W4:

  • English Unit Worksheet (Unit 2)
  • English Vocabulary Worksheet
  • Math Workbook - Ratio (Pg 57 to 60)
  • Social Studies Workbook (Pg 4 to 5) - Hand in on Friday, 1st Feb
Don't forget to study for the upcoming TESTS:
  • Tuesday: English Spelling (brought forward to Tuesday)
  • Wednesday: Math Geometry
  • Thursday: Science - Classification

Social Studies H/w

6 Excellence!

Here are some links which maybe useful to you for the assignment (workbook pg 4-5).


Thursday, 24 January 2008

Largest Mammal

It is confirmed. A whale is a mammal. It is in fact the largest mammal in the world.

By mammals, we mean animals that give birth to their young alive and has hair on their bodies. They also nourish their young with milk from their mammary glands.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Homework / Tasks for T1W3

Tasks for this weekend of this T1W3:

  • Math Workbook Revision Practice Exercise (Pg 41-46)
  • Science Process Skills Worksheet (Classification)
  • Sign and return Medical Declaration Form
  • Sign and return Revision Class and Parents Meet Forms (if you have not done so)

We'll have our Science Unseen Dictation (Chapters 1 and 2) and English Spelling Tests next week.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

This week's Art lesson

6 Excellence!

Chinese New year is around the corner. This is a festival celebrated by everybody (hey, these are public holidays). All classes will be decorating their classroom to liven up this coming festive atmosphere.

Thus for this coming Wednesday's Art lesson (16th Jan), Mdm Suguna would want you all to bring the following items to class:
  • Lots of red packets (empty 'angpows')
  • A pair of Scissors
  • A bottle of glue
  • Any bright red, orange or yellow coloured papers

Monday, 14 January 2008

LEAD.com is up!

6 Excellence!

Please be informed that the LEAD portal is up. You can access it to revise on your work now or email each other.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

U2: Angles in Geometric Figures

Key Learning Points:

The main properties are:

Simple straight lines

1. Sum of angles on a straight line is 180 deg.

2. Vertically Opposite Angles are equal (formed by 2 straight lines crossing each other like a big X).

3. Angles at a point adds up to 360 deg.


4. Angles inside a triangle adds up to 180 deg.

5. Exterior angle is equal to the sum of the internal opposite angles.

6. Angles in an equilateral triangle are equal and each angle is 60 deg.

Parallelograms & Rhombuses

7. Internal opposite angles are equal.

8. Sum of the 2 angles bounded between 2 parallel lines adds up to 180 deg.

9. Sum of all angles inside a 4-sided figure (with at least a pair of parallel lines) is 360 deg.

Tips on solving questions:

  • Highlight (on the diagram) the angles which you are required to find.
  • Look out for the little square which indicates a 90 deg. Write down 90 deg above the square.
  • Highlight all the straight lines (think about / spot rules 1 and 2).
  • Highlight all the little straight lines on the triangles that indicates an isosceles or equilateral triangles (think about rules 5 and 6).
  • Highlight all the arrows that indicate parallel lines (think about rules 7, 8 and 9).
  • When dealing with rhombuses, think in terms of combining 2 isosceles triangles together.

U2: Classifying Materials

Key Learning Points:
  • Type of material of an object refers to what that object is made up of. E.g. plastic, wood, metal, rubber, glass or ceramic.

  • Object refers to the name of the item. E.g table, chair, cup.

  • Properties of materials refer to the characteristics of that material. Examples of properties include:
  • (a) Degree of transparency to light (opaque, translucent or transparent)
  • (b) Magnetic properties
  • (c) Electrical properties
  • (d) Thermal properties
    • You must be able to explain why a certain object is made up of a particular material. E.g. transparent glass is used to make windows because it is transparent and thus allows us to see through it / look at the surroundings outside.

    Friday, 11 January 2008

    Homework / Tasks for T1W2

    Tasks for this weekend of this Term 1 Week 2 (T1W2):
    • Math Workbook Practice 3 (Angles)
    • Science Worksheet 2 (Classification)
    Don't forget that we'll have our Science and English Spelling Tests next week too.

    Wednesday, 9 January 2008

    Things to bring for lessons

    6 Excellence!

    The list below shows the booka that you need to bring to class for each subjects.

    English: Textbook + Dictionary (especially on Thu) + Journal (on Fri only)
    Math: Textbook + Workbook
    Science: Textbook + Workbook + Notes/Journal Book

    Sunday, 6 January 2008

    Dictation (9th Jan, Wed)

    6 Excellence!

    We'll have our first dictation (Unit 1 Passage 1) on this coming Wednesday. The spelling will be conducted on the following week (Week 3).

    Friday, 4 January 2008

    Homework / Tasks for T1W1

    A gentle reminder about your homework / Tasks for this weekend of this Term 1 Week 1 (T1W1):
    • Math Workbook Practice 2 (Simplifying Algebraic Expressions)
    • English Workbook Worksheet 1 (Comprehension Ex)
    • Get all books, files and stationery (especially green pen) ready

    U1: Algebra

    Key Learning Points:
    • Algebra is a method of solving Math problems. It uses alphabets to represent unknown numbers.

    • Remember: they are still NUMBERS (it is just that they are unknown to you), so do still treat them the way you treat any number in your workings.

    • For multiplication, 'marry' the numbers together and write the number in front of the alphabet. (E.g. 4 x y = 4y and not y4)

    • For addition and subtraction involving known numbers, use brackets to 'group' them together if they are sharing the same unit. (E.g. w apples + 6 apples = (w+6)apples)

    • When 0 multiplies any number (including algebraic numbers), answer will always be 0 (E.g. 0 x m = 0 and not 0m; similarly 4h - 4h = 0 and not 0h)

    U1: Classification

    Key Learning Points:

    • Classification is the grouping of items according to their characteristics or properties (can be visible ones like colour, texture, or it can be invisible properties like being magnetic, able to float on water etc).

    • It helps us to organise things (and information) so that we can find them easily.

    • It also helps us to study the similarities and differences of those items.

    • For living things, they are usually classified according to their body form (or structure), movement (can or cannot move and how they move) and their nutrition (how they find and feed their on food).

    • Before any classification, we must first know the purpose of the classification. Then decide which property or characteristic to use to group them.

    • Information on classification can be presented either in a table form or in a classification chart. This will help any reader to quickly understand the information and characteristics of the items.

    Books, Files...

    6 Excellence!

    Please note the following required stuffs for this year.

    1 x small exercise book (Journal Writing)
    1 x small exercise book (Spelling and Dictation)
    1 x blue plastic file (Worksheets)
    EXTRA - 1 x blue plastic file (Test/Exam Papers)

    1 x blue paper Composition file
    1 x small dictionary

    1 x small exercise book (Mental Sums)
    1 x yellow plastic file (Test / Exam papers)

    1 x yellow plastic file (Worksheets)

    1 x small exercise book (Journal / Notes)
    1 x small exercise book (Spelling and Dictation)
    1 x green plastic file (Test / Exam papers)
    1 x green plastic file (Worksheets)

    Wednesday, 2 January 2008


    Welcome, 6E!

    Greetings 6 Excellence!

    Welcome to the class blog (or website). In here, you'll receive announcements and any other information regarding your English, Math and Science subjects.

    Do check this website as regularly as possible for important updates. :)