Friday, 4 January 2008

U1: Algebra

Key Learning Points:
  • Algebra is a method of solving Math problems. It uses alphabets to represent unknown numbers.

  • Remember: they are still NUMBERS (it is just that they are unknown to you), so do still treat them the way you treat any number in your workings.

  • For multiplication, 'marry' the numbers together and write the number in front of the alphabet. (E.g. 4 x y = 4y and not y4)

  • For addition and subtraction involving known numbers, use brackets to 'group' them together if they are sharing the same unit. (E.g. w apples + 6 apples = (w+6)apples)

  • When 0 multiplies any number (including algebraic numbers), answer will always be 0 (E.g. 0 x m = 0 and not 0m; similarly 4h - 4h = 0 and not 0h)

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